Thursday, May 29, 2014

Puppet Mania!

4th/5th Grade combined art class at St. Nicholas school created puppets. We learned about the great Jim Henson and his career as a puppet designer. We first built the head of our puppet out of clay. We used a simple pinch pot method to begin, and then pinched it at the top to create a neck. The neck is important because the body attaches to it;  make sure it is thick enough (sometimes adding extra clay is necessary). These students also learned to sew for this project to create the body for the puppet (whew, that was fun!) We had white felt for the t-shirts and I pre-cut them to make sure they were the right size. The white felt allowed for the students to color and decorate with markers after it was all put together. We added google eyes, feathers, wire, anything else we could think of to make our puppets come to life! 
4th/5th grade Puppets!

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