Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Adventures in Printmaking

6th Grade Artist's at BC have begun their first printmaking project. I have found that my students just LOVE printmaking. I think this is because it is something they have not tried before, and they love to see the process of carving to printing.
 For this project, I have students find an image online and print it off as a 5 by 7. (This is the size of linoleum we are using. I have also used 4 by 6). They then trace the picture and do a transfer onto the linoleum. I have them outline the transfer with Sharpie and fill in areas they are either carving away or keeping. We have to talk a lot about positive and negative space with this project, they decide what they want to have raised or carved away. If a part is raised then it will be ink, if it is carved away it will show up as the color of the paper it is printed on. I have students do several "test" prints to get an idea of how it will look. Often times, this shows them areas they still need to carve away. This also gives them an opportunity to practice printing. When they finish carving and test printing they are ready to make their final prints. Typically I have them do a series, either of 6 prints or 4 prints. Since we are running close to the end of the school year, I am having them do a 4 print series.

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