Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Monsters! Monsters! Monsters!

Imagine you have been hired by PIXAR to create new monsters for the next Monsters INC movie...

Thats just what my 7th and 8th grade summer school students did this week. We watched a short snip from the first Monsters INC, and began sketching and making our monsters. I had a hand out with different monster types for inspiration, but a monster can really be anything so the students felt inspired to work right away...Here are some of the sketches we started with..and the end result of our Monsters!


                            Name: Celtic                                               Name: "Peace sign" Bob

                                 Name: Cheerily                                                 Name: Earl

                                 Name: Billy Joe                                       Name: "Big Feet" Fred

                                                           Name: Silly Nilly                                               Name: Blooby  

                                 Name: Furry Murry                                           Name: Rex

                                  Name: Mike Wazowski                                   Name: Cindy

                                                                    Name: Angry Red

Materials Needed:

-plastic grocery bags
-toilet paper rolls/paper towel rolls
-styrofoam boards
-google eyes
-eye lashes (like the ones they use on dolls, found them in the craft aisle at hobby lobby)

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